Web EPSEVG | PDI/PAS | UPC Vilanova a les Xarxes Socials
Campus UPC Vilanova

e-Comunicats Campus UPC Vilanova

Publicació setmanal per al PDI / PAS des de febrer de 2008.

Xerrada sobre cloud computing per part de Telefonica

Julio Valdés (Telefónica) oferirà una xerrada sobre Cloud Computing i la seva viabilitat econòmica a l'EETAC, en el marc del màster MASTEAM. Sala 021B, Edfici C4 (EETAC), Campus Castelldefels, 26 abril, 17:30h (durada 1h), en anglès.

MASTEAM Talk - Mr Julio Mestre Valdés - IT Sourcing towards the Cloud - Cloud is just a piece, management is needed

April 26th, 17:30h (duration 1h), Building C4, Classroom 021B, EETAC, Campus Castelldefels UPC. How to arrive(obriu en una finestra nova).

Title: IT Sourcing towards the Cloud - Cloud is just a piece, management is needed

Abstract: There are changes in technology that are disrupt for the private enterprises and public administrations. Nowadays the conjunction of Internet and smartphones are doing mandatory the adoption of digital way of working in both entities. This process is called Digital Transformation.
Cloud Computing was a revolution in the IT delivery ten years ago, but now is stablished as a regular way of getting IT Services. It is also one step more towards the digital transformation. It provides agility, high levels of service, and an economical change in the way IT is obtained (change from projects to services, from CAPEX to OPEX).
But the evolution of a classical IT infrastructure into a Cloud Computing Services Provider is not an easy way. It’s necessary an expert team with powerful tools to get this process accomplished.
Telefonica wants to play an important role in this business, because it is a natural way to grow for a Telecommunications Operator.
In this talk we will see a summary of cloud computing modalities, and the main players of the market. We will focus then in Telefonica proposal for big companies.
Another key driver to the cloud is the economics. We will see an example of a TCO that companies have to analyse in its way to the cloud. Current costs are not always evident. The hidden costs are difficult to see.
Finally, the management is critical. First in the transition and transformation projects towards the new services. And in the ongoing operation is critical to maintain the negotiated levels of service with the customer. In this phase ITIL is a very important paradigm to manage the services, but other concepts as Dev-Ops have arrived to the market and the industry has to adopt them.

More information: here(obriu en una finestra nova).


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