Web EPSEVG | PDI/PAS | UPC Vilanova a les Xarxes Socials
Campus UPC Vilanova

e-Comunicats Campus UPC Vilanova

Publicació setmanal per al PDI / PAS des de febrer de 2008.

Xerrada sobre xarxes de comunicacions industrials amb baix consum

S'informa sobre una xerrada que tindrà lloc el dia 15 de novembre al Campus del Baix Llobregat i que pot ser d'interès pels estudiants de l'EPSEVG de l'àmbit Industrial (Mecànica, Electrònica, Electricitat i Disseny) i d'Informàtica.


MASTEAM talks - Xavier Vilajosana - Overview of industrial low power wireless networks and its standardization process at the IETF

The Master's degree in Applied Telecommunications and Engineering Management (MASTEAM)(obriu en una finestra nova) organizes a weekly series of activities (talks, technical visits, discussion pannels) that complement the academic activities with real-world experiences from companies, research centres and institutions in the main topics of the master: Internet of Things, Smart Cities, 5G mobile communications, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Radio (SDR), cloud computing, augmented reality and audiovisual services, among others.

This week's activity will be a talk from Dr Xavier Vilajosana (WINE research group at UOC)

November 15th, 17:30h (duration 1h),Building C4, Classroom 021B, EETAC,

Campus Castelldefels UPC, How to arrive(obriu en una finestra nova).

Overview of industrial low power wireless networks and its standardization process at the IETF

Abstract: The industry has realized that by gathering data from their processes, operational costs (OPEX) can be dramatically reduced and new services can be created (e.g predictive maintenance). In this talk we will go through the evolution of novel wireless network technologies whose focus is to provide industrial levels of reliability, bounded latency and low power operation. We will understand what are the challenges, key technological insights, market directions and we will walk through their standardization process at relevant bodies such as the IETF.

Formerly Xavier was researcher at the HP 3D labs, University of California in Berkeley and at the France Telecom R&D Labs in Paris. Xavier has been one of the main promoters of low power wireless technologies, being involved in standardization activities at the IETF and pioneering the industrialization and introduction of Low Power Wide Area Networks through Worldsensing. Xavi's interest include industrial networks, distributed systems and standardization. He pursuits industrial adoption of technologies through open-source initiatives and open-standards.


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