Les entitats ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) i IEEE-CS (IEEE Computer Society), mitjançant el Task Group on Information Technology Curricula, van publicar la guia de disseny curricular per a graus TIC “Information Technology Curricula 2017 - Curriculum Guidelines for Baccalaureate Degree Programs in Information Technology. A Report in the Computing Curricula Series” amb ISBN: 978-1-4503-6416-4, DOI: 10.1145/3173161 i enllaç web: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3173161 el 10 de desembre de 2017.
Aquesta guia de disseny curricular a les TIC conté un apartat específic en Accessibilitat Universal i Disseny per a Tothom. La font principal de la proposta és un treball conjunt entre la Universitat del País Basc i la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Càtedra d’Accessibilitat).
Fragment de la pàgina 146:
“D.7 Design for All – A major in an ICT Curriculum (Based on a Spanish major in a Computers and Telecommunications curriculum proposal)
D.7.1 Program Goals and Features
The main objective of this curriculum example is to allow Spanish ITC professionals to acquire skills and knowledge (competencies) applicable to the principles of “Universal Accessibility” and “Design for All” (D4All) in their everyday professional work. These competencies are especially relevant whenever the potential users are people with special needs (e.g., senior citizens, people with disabilities).
The primary source for this example is from a “Major in a bachelor on a Computers and Telecommunication Curricula” designed by Abascal and others for the Spanish Fundación ONCE and the Coordinadora del Diseño para Todos [Aba1]. Therefore, this curriculum teaches the design of ICT products and services in such a way that all people can use them. This includes future generations, regardless of age, gender, abilities, cultural background or the supporting technology which they require. It provides equal opportunities that enable access, use and understanding of any part of the communication environment with as great a degree of independence as possible. Hence, it applies the concept of D4All.”
“[Aba1] Abascal, J., Garay, N., Guasch, D. 2013. Education on Design for All in Information Systems and Telecommunications Curriculum. Instituto de Mayores y Servicios Sociales (IMSERSO) y Fundación ONCE.”