El proper 23 de novembre, de 11.00 h. a 12.00 h., el Sr. Enric Vilamajó, de CTO (Chief Technology Officer) de Ficosa, impartirà la xerrada: How the communication technology has evolved in the Automotion sector, que pot tenir especial interès pels estudiants del Grau en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica i els del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica, i els del MUESAEI (Màster Universitari en Enginyeria de Sistemes Automàtics i Electrònica Industrial).
Es farà a l'edifici C4, a l'Aula 130G de l'EETAC.
Abstract: Nowadays, the trend in the automotive sector is towards vehicles that make an exhaustive use of electronic technologies and communications. Vehicles with all types of sensors and actuators (temperature, proximity, cameras, assistance in driving, parking, etc.) long and short-range communications technologies (4G, 5G, RFID / NFC, WiFi, etc.) and their associated services (access to the Internet, infotainment, teleoperation, etc.) make driving more comfortable, reliable and safe every day. To provide vehicles with all these possibilities, there are numerous national and international companies that focus their efforts on the production of systems that allow vehicle factories to be at the forefront of the offer they make to their possible customers. These companies are currently an attractive destination for telecommunication and IT engineers with special interest in the development and programming of embedded systems.