Web EPSEVG | PDI/PAS | UPC Vilanova a les Xarxes Socials
Campus UPC Vilanova

e-Comunicats Campus UPC Vilanova

Publicació setmanal per al PDI / PAS des de febrer de 2008.

Xerrada sobre Internet of Things i models de negoci a Nestlé

La següent conferència del MASTEAM, que té lloc el 8 de maig a les 17.30 h. a l'aula C4-021 de l'EETAC del Campus de Castelldefels, pot ser d'interès tant pels estudiants del Grau d'Informàtica com pels dels Graus d'Industrials.

Ponent: Víctor N. García (Nestlé).

Títol: "Looking for the IoT's perfect recipe for success in the B2C space"

Abstract: The Consumer Goods industry is looking for the perfect recipe for success, leveraging a constellation of technologies where the Internet of Things (IoT) is a cornerstone. As the future unfolds, the digital transformation journey ahead promises new business models sustained by technologies that help closing the gap between brands and consumers, enabling new ways of interacting and enriching the consumer's experience. In this talk we'll explore some of the keys when building a future-proof IoT Architecture and the value propositions this technology layer enables.


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