Xerrada a càrrec del Dr Artur Serra (i2Cat Foundation), sobre recerca i el concepte de Living Labs, oberta a tota la comunitat EPSEVG, pel dia 20 de desembre a les 17.30 h. a l'Edifici C4, Aula 021B de l'EETAC, al Campus del Baix Llobregat, organitzada pel MASTEAM.
Title: "The Lab", the new social technology of the digital era
Abstract: The Internet is the new infrastructure of the knowledge society, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are their enablers. So far this infrastructure has connected the economic and social structures of the industrial era. Now it is about deepening the generation of the new structures of the knowledge society.In the same way that industrial engineers generated industrial management to learn to lead an economy and an industrial society, the ICT engineer now has to learn the new social technology of the digital society. Living labs, fablabs, citilabs ... are emerging as new social structures in the Internet age. And they are generated by a new social technology. The Lab is the new hypothesis to help design and find the limits of this emerging new society.