Web EPSEVG | PDI/PAS | UPC Vilanova a les Xarxes Socials
Campus UPC Vilanova

e-Comunicats Campus UPC Vilanova

Publicació setmanal per al PDI / PAS des de febrer de 2008.

Xerrada sobre Computaciķ Quāntica - Quantum Computers: Why, What, How and When

El proper 14 de novembre, de 17.30 h. a 18.30 h., el Sr. Toni Juan, CEO (Chief Executive Officer) i fundador de Metempsy, impartirà la xerrada: Quantum Computers: Why, What, How and When, que pot tenir especial interès pels estudiants del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica.

Es farà a l'edifici C4, a l'Aula 021B de l'EETAC.

Abstract: Exponential improvements in the computing capability as well as reduced cost per compute unit have transform our world and fuelled our technological progress. Unfortunately, the main source of that exponential improvement is reaching an end and we need new computing technologies and paradigms if we want to sustain that rate of performance increase. One of the technologies being explored for future computing systems is Quantum Computing. Are you interested in what are the main characteristics and components of a quantum computer and what can expect from them? Come to this talk and we will have a dynamic conversation about it.


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