El MASTEAM organitza setmanalment activitats, i el 20 de febrer de les 17.30 h. a les 18.30 h. a l'Aula C4 - 021 de l'EETAC, al Campus de Castelldefels, tindrà lloc una conferència a càrrec de Ricard Masó (CTO and software architect at NearbySensor), que porta per títol: "Where is the Ethernet port? From the IoT laboratory to the real world".
Resum: From the authors of "Why do not all things have an Ethernet port?" and, "why radio frequency has noise?" now comes the acclaimed "Why are not 10 meters of laboratory equal to 10 meters of street?" and its second part: "when the network topology is the enemy". Managing the gap between the technological laboratory model and the real world is the most important challenge for success in the implementation of IoT projects.
Aquesta xerrada pot ser d'interès pels estudiants del Grau en Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica i els del Màster MUESAEI.