El MASTEAM organitza setmanalment activitats, i el 13 de març de les 17.30 h. a les 18.00 h. a l'Aula C4 - 021 de l'EETAC, al Campus de Castelldefels, tindrà lloc una conferència a càrrec de Mikel Irazabal amb el títol "Introduction to the Quality of Service in 5G. Will we have real Time Applications in 2020?"
Abstract: 5G is envisioned as the key enabler to guarantee new business models based on low-latency. Even though new frequencies will be assigned in order to transmit more data, traffic demand is expected to increase exponentially. In this scenario of scarce resources, how to appropriately distribute them while maintaining the fairness will be crucial for many new businesses. In this talk we will present the current techniques to control the delay and its applicability to 5G networks.
Aquesta xerrada és oberta a tota la comunitat universitària, però és d'especial interès pels estudiants del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica.