El dilluns 6 de maig de 10.30 h. a 12.30 h. a la Biblioteca del Campus de Vilanova, es presentarà el programa The Collider del Mobile World Capital adreçat als grups de recerca i doctorands, així com a la resta del PDI i PAS del Campus de Vilanova (la presentació es farà en anglès).
Títol: "The Collider @MWC: from the laboratory to the market"
Abstract: "The Collider, an innovation programme promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona, connects scientific and entrepreneurial talent to create disruptive technology-based startups that address society’s and industry’s challenges. The programme focuses on the identification and business development of highly disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Blockchain and Virtual Reality, fostering the development of new services for the future 5G network. The Collider encourages the participation of prestigious research centres and universities to build new tech transfer mechanisms and supports the creation of digital startups".
Ponent: Dr.Manuel Palacín
Bio: PhD in Information and Communication Technologies by the UPF and Master in Applied Telecommunications and Engineering Management by the UPC. Experienced researcher with high entrepreneurial skills, Dr Manuel Palacin has joined with different research groups like UPC, i2Cat, UPF and collaborated and founded different startups. Currently, Dr Manuel Palacin is Program Manager of the Collider, the TechTransfer program of Fundació Mobile World Capital Barcelona and has participated in the opportunity validation and incubation process of more than 30 deep-tech projects.