Web EPSEVG | PDI/PAS | UPC Vilanova a les Xarxes Socials
Campus UPC Vilanova

e-Comunicats Campus UPC Vilanova

Publicació setmanal per al PDI / PAS des de febrer de 2008.

Conferčncia sobre 5G i edge computing al Campus de Castelldefels

El proper dia 15 de maig a les 17.30 h. a l'aula C4-021B, de l'EETAC, al Campus Castelldefels, tindrà lloc la conferència: "5G networks + edge computing: opportunities for network software engineers", a càrrec del Sr. José Miguel Pulido (Volta Networks).

Aquesta conferència pot ser d'interès pels estudiants de 3er i 4rt del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica.

Abstract: 5G + Edge computing are new incoming technologies that together are going to enable  a new range of IOT applications such as autonomous driving, smart cities and AR gaming. Telecom operators need to rearchitect their networks to accommodate these technologies and to be able to support these services. That includes the creation of thousands of edge data centers with compute and network transport capacities in a cost effective manner, as well as software-based control and virtualization to dynamically implement services for both corporate and residential customers. Therefore, "software is eating the world" is really dawning into the networking industry and networking professionals of the future are going to require expertise in software and cloud as well as in network technologies.


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