Web EPSEVG | PDI/PAS | UPC Vilanova a les Xarxes Socials
Campus UPC Vilanova

e-Comunicats Campus UPC Vilanova

Publicació setmanal per al PDI / PAS des de febrer de 2008.

Conferčncia a l'EPSEVG envers la temŕtica: TV sobre IP

El proper 22 de maig, el Dr. Guillem Cabrera (Rakuten TV) oferirà la xerrada titulada: "Rakuten TV, bringing cinema at home".

Aquesta presentació s'emmarca en les activitats de l'assignatura XAMU (Xarxes Multimèdia) del Grau en Enginyeria Informàtica, pero està oberta a tota la comunitat de l'EPSEVG. Tot i la descripció en anglès, s'oferirà en català.

Data, hora i lloc: 22 maig de 2019, 11.30 h., Aula VGA213.

Títol: "Rakuten TV, bringing cinema at home".

Abstract: Video Streaming services are one of the latest success cases on Internet services. The landing of Netflix, HBO and Amazon Prime Video in Europe lead the market to a huge growth in terms of users in the last 5 years. Before all them arrived to Spain, Wuaki.tv started in Barcelona back in 2009 as a cinema new releases streaming service. Few years later, the Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten acquired the company, rebranded it to Rakuten TV and expanded the service across many European countries.

Offering a high quality video streaming service to many different connected devices (from smart TVs to mobile phones) poses many technological challenges. In this talk we will overview our technological stack, focusing on the problems we faced while preparing media contents and deliver them to our users. We will cover topics such as large-scale, distributed and low-latency video streaming in the wild, multi-bitrate encoding and multi-DRM protection. After this summary, we will present a success case of an internal project we faced to deliver Ultra High Definition contents in our platform. We will discuss the technological problems we solved and introduce some of the technologies we implemented to improve our users experience. Finally, we will show the career opportunities available within Rakuten TV for EPSEVG students.

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